Saturday, April 23, 2011

First Date

Okay, so it may not have been our first date - but it felt like it in so many ways. Yesterday Ron and I went on our first date in over 2.5 years! Over two years ago, I was pregnant with Kaelyn, and very quickly found myself on bed-rest...for months! After she was born life took off! Between working full-time, going to school full-time, being a youth pastor's wife, being a mom of a sweet little girl, there have been very few moments where Ron and I would have had the time or energy to go out on a date.

We went to lunch and then went to go see a movie. It was obvious when we entered the movie theatre that we had been 'out of practice.' They have completely rearranged everything. We stood in front of the candy, popcorn, and drink station for over 5 minutes just trying to determine where the pricing was for drinks. While I knew it would be expensive, I wasn't expecting THAT! We laughed and joked about how the whole world has passed us by since Kaelyn entered our lives. It was like we fast-forwarded 20 years. We looked pretty good ;-)

But to be honest - it was never about lunch or the movie. It was just the fact that we were able to carve out "couple" time in the midst of everything going on in life. I needed that. I need to know that even after five years of marriage and a little girl that my husband loves me the same. He does. It was in the way he took my hand in line at the theatre. It was in the way he waited for me outside the restroom. It was in the way he paid for the ticket and lunch. It was in the way he looked proud to be seen with me. Just like our first date.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Lenten Journey - Day 12

There are many things to call this Lenten journey - 'easy' is not one of them. I hesitate in mentioning what I am giving up, because I don't want my measly sacrifice to over-shadow what I have decided to 'take up.' This year, I decided to fore go wheat, gluten, dairy, high fructose corn syrup, and several other peripheral items. So in short, in addition to reading through an online publication called The Lenten Journey, I have also taken up intentionality. I have to think about everything I eat before I consume it.

I went in thinking it would be somewhat easy - how hard is it to eat healthy? (Did you know that most applesauce has high fructose corn syrup added?!) This has absolutely made me feel different about food. I don't like thinking about what I eat before I eat! I hate to cut this post short, but I need to work on homework!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The other day

The other day, I was telling a friend that if I ever had a blog I would blog about ______. Unfortuntely, that is the very reason I decided to blog. I simply forgot what was nagging my brain at the time.

I have a few friends who have started a blog this year. I find the concept of a "blog" to be an interesting one. Part diary, part public prose, part sounding board, part running commentary on life. Some people set out with a purpose - I have none, except to create a place where I can sneak away from the daily grind and share the chronicles of my life.

But for now, I am off to watch an episode of 24 with my husband.